Monday, May 19, 2008


Once again I find myself jobless. This time I see it as a plus. I can focus more on my hiking than ever before. Tomorrow I am planning to do some more hiking in the Lowe Railway area and Wednesday if they weather is favorable enough I'll do the 10.5 mile Coldwater canyon hike. After that I am planning Sunset Peak and Mount Baldy by this Friday if all goes well.
Oh yeah, my job plans? Something other than direct computer support. Maybe a manual labor job or at least a job in the great outdoors. Construction is definitely an option but I am hoping to find something in the venue of tree trimming or landscaping. That should keep me burning the calories.
The good news is that I don't care this time. I guess some would say that I have a bad attitude but really a job is to serve me not me to serve the job and that is the way I see it. If I put in more than I can ever get out it better be for something that I really care about or have a passion to see grow.

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