Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hike #15 Dawn Mine on May 20th 2008

Ahh.... found it on my second trip. No doubt I'll be doing this one again once I'm in a little better shape and I have a rope and a headlamp. As it is I went in fairly deep exploring the mine. There are some very deep holes in here so I was somewhat cautious. The trail to the mine that I took was the straight northly route. My problems didn't manifest until I took the east route to the fire road. Man that was a dangerous return trip. I lost a few supplies above the Millard Canyon falls area and I slid down the uppermost part of the falls for about 75 feet or so. Fortunately I only came away with a few bumps, bruishes, algae and animal crap on me from the fall. This is one of those must hikes that should be reserved for those days when you just don't want to go into work and it is partly cloudy outside as it was today. I wish I would have had a hiking buddy with me on this one to talk me out of a few bad turns and maybe to talk me into staying more time exploring the mine. Next time hopefully I'll have some rope,head lamp, and slickers for exploring all of the mine that I possibly can.

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