Monday, May 10, 2010

Who do you say that Jesus is?

I haven't gone on one of my wild physical hikes in sometime. I have been hiking lately though on the spiritually plane. I crossed many valleys, mountains, rivers, deserts and I have to say that I have found God in all of those places.
Who do you say Jesus is to you? Is He the son of God? Meaning he was sent to be a perfect example for us to follow. Is He a Lord and King? Meaning we should submit to Him regardless of our own wants, fears and indecision. Meaning also that He is our protector when an enemy combatant invades. Is He a counselor? Meaning that He gives you advice and encouragement when the way to go is not known or certain. Is He God to you? Meaning that He is the only source of light, that is was by His hand that you were designed and known before the depth and heights of the earth were measured out. Meaning that when our heart enters a state of worship that our knees only bend to Him and not to a created thing.
Can it be that Jesus is Father, Spirit, Son all rolled up into one?

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